Kitesurfing Lessons antalya, kemer, finike

TURKEY Kemer, Antalya Sandal beach cafe

Who visits us?

We are typically visitors for people who love the outdoors, especially people who like trying new activities like kiteboarding, kitesurfing and new sport of wingfoiling. Finike out best kitesurfing spot offers wonderful restaurant's, hotel's and windy bay that blows for 12 months a year.

What to do here?

We give lessons in the antalya region for kitesurfing, wingfoiling and kiteboarding

Top 3 reasons to visit
  • Finike offers 12 months a year of wind from 17 to 25 knots
  • Finike offers cheap and amazing restaurants and hotels
  • Warm Mediterranean waters and mountains view kitesurfing

Kitesurfing Lessons antalya, kemer, finike's team
Our team

Hi, antalya in the town of finike is our favourite kitesurfing spot to give lessons at. We are blessed here with 12 months a year of windy days for your training. Winds Rang from 16 to 25 knots. We have been teaching kiteboarding for 15 years and have put thousands of students on the board and made them rider's. All courses are International kiteboarding organisation recognised (IKO). We can provide wingfoiling lessons as well.