Need to know
You can easily reach us from by bus from all over nepal, by flight until to the bharatpur domestic airport its obly 45min away by taxy from us
Ratnanagar 07 laukhani chitwan nepal, Sauraha
Thank you very much for opening our page, You are welcome to our Resort, our close to ChitwnaNationalpark and 4meter opposite site of Baghmara community forest. From the resort you can see many wildlife activities. Our resort serve all kinds of park activities, pick and drop to Bharatpur Airport� During your stay at this resort you will explore chitwan National park/local Tharu culture/ and religious information, during your stay also you will see clear and beautiful phenomenal views of Himalayas like annapurna/fish Tail We have hot and cold water/free Wi-Fi/ Nepalese Dish/western Dish
You can find here local brand drinks to foreign brands
We provide that service if guests request
You can explore chitwan National park, we manipulate all kinds of services on additional charges
Warm welcome
You can explore world heritage site chitwan National park, local Culture
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